Contemporary Acrylic

Grayscale Cross in acrylic

Stained Glass Sun in acrylic

Artist Statement

A pretty laid back guy which carries over into my artwork. When something that I painted can make someone look at it and say "Hey, that's kinda cool" puts a smile on my face.

Started my art journey at 5 years old when I drew a picture of The 3 Little Pigs from a coloring book. Didn't know I could draw until then and I never looked back.

I love when I can come home, put on some classical music, grab a pencil or a brush and let the creative rhythm flow.

  • Deanna Gothic in acrylic

    A birthday gift for someone that requested a Raven, a skull and roses in the same piece (and make it all work together)

  • Random 2 in acrylic

    Came up with this design one day after being bored and doodling on a napkin

  • Valknut Grayscale in acrylic

    Received a wooden version of this as a gift from one of my brothers a few years back and thought this would look awesome on canvas